• Design it. Build it. Autodesk it.

    Autodesk is a global leader in design and make technology. With expertise across architecture, engineering, construction, design, manufacturing…

  • The foundation of successful design

    Our solutions help engineers and technicians develop the infrastructure of tomorrow

  • Software for better design

    SOFiSTiK develops software for every aspect of structural engineering.

  • Driven to achieve success

    GRAITEC is a BIM software company helping customers to digitize their processes in the construction space.

  • Calculate yesterday’s estimates

    IDEA StatiCa is the world-leading software for steel connection design, member analysis, and code-checking concrete details.

  • Do better MEP designs with less effort

    The LINEAR software offers very comprehensive solutions with many functionalities for the design and calculation of all MEP systems.



Koji vam pomažu u svakodnevnom radu, štede vaše vreme, omogućavaju efikasniji i optimalno organizovan proces izrade projekata iz oblasti visokogradnje i niskogradnje.


Upravo izašlo:


Verzija 24.1 je fokusirana na svakodnevne zadatke inženjera, bez obzira da li ste dizajner čeličnih veza, inženjer betona ili specijalista za prefabrikovane konstrukcije.

Od mnogobrojnih novina, izdvojićemo samo Connection Library, web aplikaciju, koja korisnicima omogućava pronalaženje inspiracije pružajući im pristup bazi podataka sa hiljadu dostupnih veza. Korisnici mogu da koriste obezbeđene veze u aplikaciji Connection ili da dele rezultate pretrage sa drugima, kao i da preuzimaju veze i koriste ih kao početnu tačku u svojim projektima.


Design Steel Connections with SOFiSTiK and IDEA StatiCa

Ukoliko ste propustili da odgledate webinar možete to učiniti Ovde.


LINEAR - NEW Version 25

The new LINEAR Solutions V25 is now available in the LINEAR Installation Center and comes with many new improvements and features.

As always, we have clearly documented all innovations in our What's new section on our website.


SOFiSTiK - NEW Version 2024

Automatic generation of the analytical model in Autodesk Revit with AMG

Column design BIM-ready – new efficient and open workflow

Dynamic reinforcement testing in BIM workflows

New features for the analysis of cracked reinforced concrete ceilings

Seismic Tower – Seismic analysis of large buildings with multiple parts

Improved shear wall design




Preduzeće za informatički inženjering, osnovano u Beogradu 1996. godine kada postaje autorizovani diler Autodesk softvera.

U narednim godinama ponuda je proširena specifičnim aplikacijama za projektovanje u gradjevinarstvu koje kao bazu koriste Autodesk ali i drugim standalone aplikacije.